Mix of in-person and virtual events, with followup resources
Check out this short overview with tips & tricks on building scopes of work that do more to protect you & your client
Watch this video chat with award-winning brand designer, Wells Collins, about how he builds great client relationships
Check out these key contract terms for your scopes of work
Watch this virtual Q&A session featuring Malcolm Brown, Audrey Tappan, Cesar St.Martin, Lucia Cerda, & Dani Cervantes
Tools that help you forget about the stress of running your freelance business
Start Using BasilBasil has been a breath of fresh air. I've been getting sick of writing contracts, saving stupid PDFs, invoicing with different software, getting transaction fees. Basil fixed a lot of that for me.
Basil has completely streamlined the project kickoff process for me by pulling timelines, deliverables, contract & expectations into one place.
Set clear upfront expectations for clients to review in a proposal